Summer Riding Camps
Summer Fun at Sebastian’s
Camp geared toward horseback riding, developing horsemanship skills and lots of horse related fun for therapeutic riders and their siblings.
Sebastian Riding Associates is offering summer camp for therapeutic riders and their siblings. We emphasize safety, fun and education. Campers will develop riding skills and learn teamwork, safety, self-confidence and responsibility.
The camp day for sessions 1,2,3 begins with arrival at 9:00 am and will end at 2:00 pm. Campers will spend a fun-filled week in an instructor supervised, small group setting. Campers should bring a snack and a lunch. The camp day will include horseback riding, driving, horsemanship skills, arts and crafts, horse painting …and summer fun & games with exceptional SRA camp counselors.
Become a Camper
Enrollment is limited and can not be guaranteed. Space will be filled on a first come.
Be cooperative in a group settling
Not wear oversized clothing or long dangling jewelry
Wear long pants & boots or shoes with a heel and bring shorts
Helmets required for riding and provided by SRA
Bring a sack lunch and refillable waterbottles each day
Be able to tend to self care, SRA unable to provide aid for personal care or medical treatments
Be at least 7 years of age
Interested in Volunteering for summer camp?
2025 Camp Dates
Week 1: July 7-11 Reserved
Week 2: July 21-25 Reserved
Week 3: August 4-8 Open Enrollment
Hours: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Cost: $375 per week
Complete registration form and mail along with your check to:
Sebastian Riding Associates, Inc.
3589 Water Street Road
Collegeville, PA 19426