Vinnie’s Adventures
Meet Vinnie
The name given to the adventures of the Sebastian Riding Associates' spokes horse, Vinnie the dwarf miniature horse. For many individuals, the benefits from sitting astride a horse are not possible due to health contraindications, finances or intolerance. However, horses provide much more than just physical benefits and we set out to share how being with a horse can improve our emotional and mental wellness which is one of the goals toward reaching our organization mission. Not only is this the perfect opportunity to introduce people to the world of equine assisted service programs but also helps promote SRA in the community.
Please contact us to discuss a visit by a very special dwarf mini horse.
Interested in particating?
Fill out the prospective rider application and mail to chris@sebastianriding.org
Application includes: Welcome Letter, Physician’s Prescription, Registration Form, Emergency Release Form, Medical History Form, Release & Permissions Form